Help Wanted
- eBay
- Big Plus
if you sell at eBay actively now -- or if you have sold prior
at eBay.
- Familiar
with PC, Internet, and eMail
- Enjoys
working with people and PCs
- Exceptional
earning opportunities
- Options to
obtain items from AuctionInstructor.com that you can sell at eBay
at home (try for 60 days)
- You sell
our items on your own eBay account -
- We source
and obtain items and we provide the items to you (basically consign
it to you); We bring items directly to you and you have no upfront
cash outlay to us to get your inventory that you sell.
- You sell
at eBay from your home on your schedule. You handle all sales
related details
- We split
the profits … we receive 50% of retail sold price
Only costs you pay:
1) eBay & PayPal fees
C ombined these fees are approximately 15% out of your 50%, so
you essentially receive 35% of the total an item sells for.
2) Ship related costs are yours to pay from what the buyer pays
you when they purchase. We can assist in providing shipping materials
(boxes, packing materials, etc).
- You keep
what is left after paying the 1 & 2 costs.
- You settle
with us once a month - on the 20th of each month.
- Buy items
from us at wholesale - we are simply your source. Meet us at our
Ocala warehouse, pick out items you want - Negotiate price, you
pay for them when you get them. Whatever profits you make selling
items is all yours. If it works for us both, we can meet with
you regularly
Reach Out To Us today at 855-462-4400
Long-Term Possibilities
If after doing
thing together awhile, established relationship worked for us both:
1. You could create ads for us under one of our eBay accounts
2. We will be seeking an assistant on-going to help us hands-on
in different aspects of our business
If either of
these possibilities worked: You simply would get paid for doing
different things. We would discuss this further if our relationship
shifted in this direction
Please connect
with us for more information
Reach Out To
Us today at 855-462-4400
- eBay
Part-Time Sales
- Big Plus
if you sell now or have sold prior at eBay.
- Work
part-time, as your schedule at home permits. Work your own
- Familiar
with PC, Internet, and eMail
- Unlimited
earning opportunity
- Connect with us for more information
- Check back
often for new opportunities
Reach Out To
Us today at 855-462-4400


for Wally or Walter | Pak Mail Ocala Center
Can Do Automated Sales Fufillment For
1202 SW 17 St., Ocala, Florida 34471
Ph 352.368.9779 | eMail Pakmail343@aol.com
Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-6pm
Sat 10am-6pm | Closed Sundays

handles the purchase of equipment on ebay.com, coordinates payment
to the seller, and works with you to organize fast shipping to
your business. Questions?
Call 310.571.9600